A Note on Ukraine

3 min readFeb 28, 2022

Hi SheFiers,

I wanted to share some thoughts and feelings on Ukraine with all of you. When the Russian Invasion in and war on Ukraine started, the SheFi team immediately stopped all social media posts related to our regular topics as we felt and knew that it was more important making space for everyone to process what was going on as well as channel our energy into finding and sharing information on how to help the people of Ukraine.

As I tweeted Friday, I believe the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a violation of human rights, dignity and livelihood. I am deeply saddened to see so much death and suffering, and I wish for safety, freedom and peace for everyone in Ukraine.

It always feels off to me to continue working and doing the day to day tasks when a local, national or global event causing great harm to humans is ongoing (and acknowledge there are many ongoing outside of Ukraine). I want to acknowledge that this is a difficult time with deep sadness and pain for many people, including people in our direct community and this may be that time for you.

For new cohort members, if you need to miss classes, cut out early or just in the moment decide to drop, please do not hesitate to do so and do not worry, you will be able to catch recordings and can reach out to myself, Porter or your TA for any assistance on catching up.

For current cohort members, if you need someone to talk with or you would like to self organize a Discord space to discuss ongoing events and how it is impacting you, we can make this happen.

We are a community first and foremost, and I want to encourage everyone to do what they need to prioritize mental, emotional and physical health. All of the SheFi core contributor squad members are here for you to reach out to if you need someone to talk with. Let’s all support each other if we have the capacity to do so.

What SheFi is currently doing:

I’ve been sharing verified crypto and non-crypto resources for contributors, donations, to learn more, etc., and I keep adding them as we find them to this thread. Thanks to everyone who has reshared on Twitter or shared resources in Discord since the post went out. Please feel free to respond to that thread, in Discord or to this email with more resources: https://twitter.com/She__Fi/status/1497340613020295172?s=20&t=CRCAAebGBWn-WkoOLy2AoQ

The Investment Squad is going to use this week’s meeting at 1pm ET Thursday to discuss the various ways to help Ukrainians with crypto. I will certainly be in attendance. The invite is on the SheFi calendar, in Discord under Events (top left sidebar), and to our new members, you will have Discord access this week so you can attend too.

Also, we will host a community vote this week in Discord on how much money should be donated from the SheFi Treasury to one of the verified crypto Ukrainian organizations. It’s important that these decisions are made by our entire community, and I appreciate you engaging in this activity.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, and please reach out if you have any questions.

❤ ❤


Founder SheFi




SheFi is a DeFi education initiative that doubles as a charity vehicle to donate funds to female STEM programs; Founded by Maggie Love